Before Innovation Strikes, Consider Those 4 Points!

Before Innovation Strikes, Consider Those 4 Points!

Companies actively seek change, especially in the current era marked by digital transformation and the proliferation of advanced technology. Buzzwords like “innovation,” “technology,” “entrepreneurship,” and “AI/VR/AR” permeate the business landscape, and it’s undeniably exciting. The dopamine rush we experience is exhilarating, but its intensity can sometimes blind us, as innovation appears to be the ultimate solution until it isn’t.

In reality, some companies and individuals find themselves overwhelmed by the pace of innovation. The root cause lies in our persistent perception of change and innovation as inherent challenges. To fully embrace innovation, it’s crucial to recognize that companies still grapple with fundamental changes, such as implementing new processes, HR initiatives, and altering business models. Consequently, they encounter difficulties in navigating the landscape of innovation, particularly when they were late to the innovation game from the start.

Why do we witness companies struggling with basic changes, and how can they improve their approach? This article delves into four key points elucidating the challenges companies face when confronted with innovation and change. Additionally, it provides valuable insights and advice on overcoming or mitigating potential resistance.

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